Register to Participate in the Carnivore Diet Documentary

If you’re keen to chronicle your journey on the Carnivore Diet and contribute to our documentary, we invite you to fill out the form below. Please be aware, however, that due to the overwhelming interest, we can’t guarantee everyone’s inclusion in our film. As we’re still in the early stages of development, there may be a delay in our response. We are diligently striving to secure funding for this project to ensure its success and the justice it deserves.

We highly recommend that you consider setting up a YouTube channel to document your journey as a Carnivore. If you have already done so, please feel free to share the URL here. If you haven’t created a channel yet, we encourage you to make one and upload an introductory video. You can keep the video unlisted if you prefer. By sharing your YouTube URL, we will subscribe to your channel, enabling us to follow your progress and better assess if you are a suitable candidate to participate.